Issue 47

Three Commuter Bicycles

In our brand new OBJECT series, VAULT previews design products that we feel you should know about. This issue, we road test three very different takes on the commuter bicycle.

By Nicole Grimm-Hewit NOV 2014

Designed and built in England, the Brompton folds in four, which reduces the bicycle to a neat, portable, one wheeled package. This is a bicycle that infinitely increases freedom and independence. For the space-deprived city dweller, a folding bicycle offers the solution to storage issues and can be easily carried upstairs to your apartment or via an elevator. It’s also an endlessly versatile daily ride – you can ride part of the way to work, jump on a train, then get off a few stations early to pedal the remaining distance. It’s a great way to squeeze in your fitness regime. For the tourist, the M3L presents countless opportunities. Cruise around your chosen destination, then fold it up and travel on. The Brompton bicycle folds smaller than any other folding bike brand, and sensibly the chain is kept away from your clothes. With rear suspension, mudguards and gears, this bike is suitable for most terrain. In some places, parking your bike on the street is akin to displaying a sign that says “Free bike, take me”, but that’s where a folding bike provides the solution for the security-conscious commuter. No need to take a bike lock as the folding bike simply stays by your side. It’s a sensible choice for the cyclist... Subscribe to read this article in full

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Issue 47