Prue Stent &
Honey Long

Double Vision

by Kathleen Linn MAY 2018

Prue Stent and Honey Long have been making artwork together since they were teenagers. This long-term friendship and collaboration has inspired visually lush and distinctive images that explores the female body in the world. The lucid yet dreamy world they create incorporates the Australian landscape with the body as a sculptural form, but also traverses the haptic, liquid and squishy aspects of the body – the point at which it becomes a mass of feelings, fluids, insides and outsides.

VAULT spoke with Stent and Long about what it is like to work collaboratively and how this relationship has affected their lives.

Can you tell me how you started making artwork together?
Prue Stent & Honey Long We have been close friends since we were 14 and met in high school. We always shared creative interests and our collaborative practice seemed to evolve very naturally from our friendship and was never something overtly planned. Around the age of 17 we started to take our photos more seriously.

Honey, you are currently based in Sydney, and Prue, you are in Melbourne; how does this geographical separation influence your artistic process?
HL Living in separate cities definitely has its advantages and disadvantages. We’re able to get a lot of work done together over the phone and via email. It does make us more focused and productive when ... Subscribe to read this article in full

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