Issue 47

Editor’s Pick:

Remain in Light

Jane Burton, Jon Butt, Charles Dennington, Dianne Jones, Will Nolan and Elvis Richardson

Curated by George Adams
Exhibition dates: 19 September - 14 October 2018

Remain in Light at Galerie Pompom, presents recent work from six Australian artists exploring the visual and conceptual possibilities of photography as a media continually transforming via the interaction of technological development and social conditions. The artists include Dianne Jones, Elvis Richardson, Will Nolan, Jon Butt, Jane Burton and Charles Dennington. Jane Burton’s hand printed and painted silver gelato works give me goosebumps and are the perfect foil to Will Nolan's collage works that meld art and fashion.

Flesh 2017 � Will Nolan

Will Nolan, Flesh, 2017, Chromogenic print, di-bond, artist frame, 78 x 96 cm, edition 3 of 3 + 2AP

MCA Roslyn Oxley Gallery IMALENNOX STACMIACCA Melbourne
Issue 47